The academic year starts in August and ends in June and is divided into three terms as shown below.
Term 1. August to December
Term 2. January to April
Term 3. April to June
Bootstrap 4 has been noted as one of the most reliable and proven frameworks and Mobirise has been equipped to develop websites using this framework.
The school caters for students aged 2 to 18 years old. Students are allocated to classes according to their age on 1st September.
The school offers a wide range of after school activities for students from Reception to Year 13. The activities include a mixture of sports, art and crafts, computing, and languages, providing children with an opportunity to develop their skills or explore new interests.
Whilst Charter International School bases its curriculum on the English National Curriculum, we have adjusted it to reflect the international nature of the school. See ‘Curriculum’ section for further detailed information.
There is a full snack and lunch programme, comprising a light mid-morning snack with milk and a choice of Thai and International cuisine at lunchtime in line with the school’s healthy eating policy.
Throughout the Primary School, students are assessed against English National Curriculum standards to evaluate their progress in English and Maths. In Secondary students study for external examinations from Cambridge University in Year 9 in Checkpoint, Year 10 and 11 in IGCSE and Year 12 and 13 at A Level.
The school offers a bus service to collect and return students. A bus monitor collects students from their classroom at the end of the day and escorts them to the bus. Bus rules govern the behaviour of students when using the school bus. For more information, please contact the school office.